Sunday, December 23, 2012

Merry Christmas!

We are completely blown away by all of the generosity that friends and strangers have given this year to help us get to South Sudan! We have a big goal to meet of 60% before January 1 and are trusting the Lord with our jaws dropped as people continue to give so sacrificially.

We are so deeply burdened to get to South Sudan this summer, and are blessed by the support team, God has already put into place.

This verse has been heavy on my heart today, Revelation 7:9 "... a great multitude which no one could count, from every nation and all tribes and peoples and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb..."

What a beautiful picture. These are believers...gathered from all of history, from all parts of the globe, from all people groups  to worship HIM. If this is our finish line, for all believers throughout history, this is the time that will reveal exactly what we exchanged our life for, while we were here on earth.

I am praying for this day. I'm praying that each of us would count the cost of each day until the end. Thinking of the words spoken to my husband as we were called to South Sudan "Who will go for me?" and thinking of our sweet friends who are sacrificing so much to be a part of this call.

Thank you! and of course Merry Christmas!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Rejoice with us!

It has been a fast 60 days!
60 Days ago we had 0 commitments for financial support.
Our November 1st benchmark was that we needed to be 25% funded. 
With just a few days to go, the Lord has so graciously provided.
We are actually $21 over our goal! Isn't God good?

Thank you to the many people, who are giving sacrificially and generously to furthering His Kingdom, in something so much bigger than ourselves.

This is it. This is our blog. I have added a few of our journal entries below, and will probably add a few more soon. We don't know what we are doing so definatley send pointers our way.

Below is a list of our prayer requests. We would love for you to send us yours.


1. We are waiting on the 2 additional missionaries to complete our team.

2. That God is preparing the hearts of the South Sudanese in Nasir.

3. That we would continue to meet all of the needed benchmarks, to leave on time: June 2013

Amazing, abundatly blessed, overwhelmed by His power, overwhelmed by your love! Words can't express our feelings. And only in Heaven will we get to see the full impact of your faithfulness.
Blessings to you this day!

Psalm 111:9
He provided redemption for his people;
he ordained his covenant forever—
holy and awesome is his name.


View a Video: Reaching South Sudan

You want me to go where?

I grew up in the US. But I was blessed to be immersed in 2 diverse backgrounds. My moms family is Mexican, Homemade Tamales, rice and beans y yo hablo poquito espanol. I grew up in a Chinese church. Went to Chinese school as a young child and even worshipped for most of my childhood in Chinese.
God has, for a long time, put on my heart evangelism. So in 2010, when we felt God asking us to leave that Chinese church we loved so dearly, we felt it was His calling into Full time Missions. And it was....
But in my limited wisdom, I thought we would go out and find a new church, and the right people and Gods direction and Mission organization would be clear.
After months of searching. We landed at Houston's first in Peter Swanns Sunday school class. To say that I was discouraged was an understatement. I mean in all honesty and transparency, I was disappointed. You see Peters lessons were life changing for me. They were different and challenging. But sitting in a Sunday School classroom at a Mega Church in Houston Texas was not what I had in mind when God laid "Full time missions" on my heart. And Every Village, then Aid Sudan was certainly not the organization God had in mind when he sent us out of our home church.... Besides, at the time, they didn't have full time missionaries there. And even more discouraging... Africa? I speak conversational Spanish! I love Latin and Asian culture, people, food, language. Surely somewhere along the line, we had made a mistake right?
But God is at work, even when we cannot see it... Amen?!
So I completely missed that these last 2 years were preparation for South Sudan. But that's okay right? Had I known we were headed there, i probably wouldn't have had so many children! Mud Hut living with three young children isn't very appealing.
But we don't have to see the big picture,right? In fact we can't see the big picture. He asks us to be faithful with each day. To give each day to him.
Fast Forward 2 years, to Summer 2012. I've given up on overseas missions. I've sort of "settled" that maybe Gods plan is much further out than we could see. And Jared comes to me and says, I feel like God is calling us to South Sudan to live as missionaries. After literally laughing out loud, I told him he was crazy. And he graciously asks, "Honey, will you pray about it?" It was a deer in the Headlights kind of look. "Sure, yeah I'll do that" I said, almost angry with Him. 3 Days later, the Lord had me on my knees in tears, as he confirmed for me that this was His plan. His story.
You see, if this was my story, we would have left for China, or Honduras, 2 years ago.I can literally see myself, opening up the yellow pages searching for Chines Mission Organizations...
And so as we work to fundraise and begin training for South Sudan, 1 important question keeps coming up, "What will you be doing there?"
Great Question. As we pray about our future there, God has made something very clear.
On October 26th, 1 year ago, Jared was on a short term trip to S Sudan. I had no idea that 9 months later God wold call us there. I recently found my notes from a devotional that I read and journaled at that time. I will paraphrase it for you :
A missionary is a person sent by Jesus. Just as Jesus was SENT by God. The controlling factor is not the needs of the people, but the command of Jesus.
There is great danger in missionary work. Gods call may be replaced by the needs of the the point that human sympathy for those needs will overwhelm the meaning of being sent by Jesus. The needs are so enormous and the conditions so difficult that every power of the mind falters and fails. We can easily loose sight of our primary purpose, Matthew 28:19 , Therefore Go, and make disciples of all nations...
In our natural life our ambitions change as we grow. But in the Christian life.... the goal that is given to us at the beginning is the same even to the end. Jesus Christ. We start with Him and we end with Him. But sometimes the enemy will try to distract us. Towards putting our focus on what We think the Christian life should look like. The goal of the missionary, that's you and me, is to do Gods will. Not to be useful, or win the lost. A missionary, that's you and me, WILL be useful and WILL win the lost, but that is not our goal. Our goal is to do the will of our Lord!
So, What will we be doing there? We have training and plans and goals.....but ultimately we will give each day to Him. I can rest in what He has shown me, He is at work even when I can't see it. I can rest in the promises He's given me for this nation.
And I can see that their will be struggles and tears, and even disappointments.... But at the end of the day our goal will be the same... Jesus Christ. And He is worth it!

January 7, 2011 - Everyone has a mission field

16 months ago, I started working at a property 32 miles from home. If any of you know me well, you know that commuting and traffic are my worst enemy. Nothing can make me lose my patience like traffic. I asked God repeatedly "Why are you sending me this far" What could possibly be your purpose? I didn't know it then but he began to use me on day one of my new position.
Less than 30 days into the new position, I had let go of an employee and was training a new one. For 13 months, I spent nearly every day with her, training her, listening to her, guiding her and gaining a friendship I now treasure above any earthly possession.
90 days ago, she called me out of the blue. She was hurting. She knew she needed HIM and wanted to go to church with me. I had heard her many stories of pain. Now she was commuting the 32 miles from home to hear about this father who loved her tremendously. The last 90 days have been such a ride to finally see Gods plan unfold for her. She leaves today to go away to college. I leave my job in less than 60 days to have a baby. God didn't waste ANY of my time and he won't waste any of yours if you ask him to use you. He planned each day that I gave to him. The extra time in the car was the perfect time for prayer. And the location although far for me, was just what the Father had in mind.
I sit here in tears, in awe of the fathers love for his lost children.In awe of his love for her! My task might seem menial to some, but I am so struck by his love for her. I hope I am communicating this well, because it overwhelms me to think that this is how he would use me. I am so blessed. WHAT A PRIVILEGE, to see first hand the shepherd searching for his lost, hungry and hurting sheep. He was searching for her. My heart cries out that she might know the depths of his love for her. I have learned so much about how he works. Days where I was complaining about a commute, there are so many things I would have done differently,if I knew that this was my specific task, but HIS hand was in it the entire time.

I can't wait for my next assignment. I pray for each of you, that you will be reminded to give each day to HIM. That we might ask, Lord how can I be a blessing to YOU today? That we remember there is no place to far, no task to pointless, when we are doing the Fathers work.
I want to encourage those of you who have been praying for a loved ones salvation. It may take years, for their heart to move, but be faithful, keep praying.
I want to leave you with a verse to start off 2011. We all know that Christmas is behind us, but in Luke 2:20 we see a very special little verse.
20 The shepherds returned, glorifying and praising God for all the things they had heard and seen, which were just as they had been told.

What did they return to? Working! They went back to work. Their occupation was shepherding. And they went back Glorifying and Praising God. May your days be filled with HIS work, and may 2011 be filled glorifying and praising God!


February, 23, 2010 - Cultivating Compassion & Appreciation

So, I'm up earlier than normal. And I can't get this nagging feeling out of my head, that I'm on the wrong track.
Jared and I have always known that we wanted to serve God through various ministries. Not only that we want to do it, but that we were made to do it.
We do serve in small ways, but we have full time jobs which we are very grateful for.
As we work so hard to provide a "better life" for our children, I realize more and more every day, that providing the "better life" for them may mean that we hinder the cultivation of compassion, appreciation, gratefulness. Is this true?

Growing up, I remember getting excited when a teacher would announce a field trip or in high school when younglife would announce the week long camping trips. I would get excited and overjoyed and then very quickly would realize that I may not be able to participate. The worry and fear that we could not afford it was very real to me. Sometimes through Gods provision, I could go and sometimes, I could not. As an adult, I can appreciate these times of disappointment and wouldn't trade them for anything. Just as we draw closer to the Lord when we are brokenhearted, we can draw closer to the value of appreciation, in the same way. It was because of the times of disappointment, that the times I could participate were even that much more enjoyable and appreciated.

Is it just me or is the attribute of appreciation overlooked? How can I instill this value in my children? We cannot just withhold things from them can we? Part of the fear I experienced growing up was because I KNEW we could not afford certain things. We didn't have a car. The costs of "things" were very real to me.

So what do we do? I can't see the other side of the picture, because I didn't grow up in the same type of environment that I am trying to raise my children in. Can Compassion, Appreciation and gratefulness be cultivated in our home? As well as they were for me?

In the meantime, please pray that we would be patient and wait on the Lord to lay the path that is ahead for us.


P.S. - Many of you know that my Mom and I had a very rocky relationship. But I can give nothing but gratitude for her working so hard as a single mom, to do her best to give me all she could.

Blessings to you this Tuesday!